You may have seen the new hair extensions technique called micro links. It’s also know as i-tips. Perhaps you are reading this because you want to know more about micro links or you want to know if micro links are damaging for your hair. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about microlinks to make a decision if it’s for you.
What are microlinks?
Microlinks are small silicon rings that are used to attach extensions to your own hair. They can be used to attach individual strands of hair extensions, known as i-tips to your own hair. The i-tips are where strands of hair are bonded together into small bundles. The microlink rings are flattened onto your hair with the i-tips attached using pliers.
There is no use of glues, tapes or needles and thread to attach the hair. The links can be easily removed without the use of scissors or blades or any chemicals. To remove the links, the rings are loosened and slide right off.
Microlinks are more versatile than traditional sew in weaves as they allow you to wear your hair in more styles. For instance you can wear a high ponytail or a half up half down style without fear of your tracks showing.
How long do they last?
Micro links can be kept in your hair for up to 3 months with proper maintenance and care. All of your hair is left out since there are no braids, which means you still have access to your hair and scalp therefore you can wash and treat your hair with the links in. This is partly what makes micro links a good option for those on a healthy haircare journey.
And since your hair is all left out, it is important to use hair extensions that match the texture of your hair.
I have natural hair, can I wear micro links?
Clients with natural (not relaxed) hair can still get micro links. You have two options. You can purchase curly hair that matches your natural hair texture so that the extensions are undetectable. Alternatively, you can have your hair straightened first. The straightening methods available for natural hair vary from blow-drying the hair, a silk press or a semi permanent amino acid treatment. Most clients with natural hair who install micro links opt for a semi permanent amino acid treatment because it allows you to straighten your hair with ease and less risk of heat damage for up to 3 months depending on how frequently you wash your hair.
At Bloom Hair Atelier, we offer micro links installation on all hair types. We also offer hair straightening services. Book an appointment
Are micolinks damaging?
Microlinks can be worn on most hair types and when installed properly, by a professional and maintained well, they do not cause damage to the hair. At Bloom Hair Atelier you can schedule a straightening and micro links consultation where we will advice you as to whether micro links are suitable for you.
If you have weak and damaged hair you should avoid installing micro links until you hair is healthier.
Since micro links are attached on the hair close to the scalp, about 1/2cm from the scalp, there is minimal tension applied to the scalp, which makes them a good option for those who are tender headed.
Maintenance of Microlinks
Micro links require more hair to be left out than with traditional sew in weaves, therefore it is important to care for your hair regularly through frequent washing and conditioning. This makes micro links a more high maintenance hairstyle. It is also important to detangle your hair thoroughly and regularly to prevent matting and tangles. You should brush or comb your hair starting from the tips first and gradually working up to near the roots where the micro links start.
At Bloom Hair Atelier, we always say that protective styles need to be protective to your hair. Protective styles are not an excuse to neglect you own hair. In order to get the most benefit from protective styles, you need to look after your own hair in order to minimise breakage and damage.
We offer a post installation maintenance service for micro links. For more information, check out our service menu.
Microlinks versus sew in weave
One of the main differences between micro links and sew in weaves is the absence of cornrows for micro links. This makes the extensions less bulky and more versatile, allowing you to wear your hair in more styles.
The take out process for microlinks is simpler and does not involve the use of scissors so there is less risk of accidentally cutting your hair.
On the downside, microlinks involve leaving more of your natural hair out. It also means that getting extensions with the same texture and colour as your own hair is important.

What does the microlinks installation service involve?
Micro links should first be installed on clean hair that has been freshly washed and conditioned. Your hair will be blow-dried, even if it is relaxed. We will then proceed to section out the perimeter of your hairline and braid this section to ensure that the hair is kept clear from where the micro links will be installed. This allows you to wear your hair in a high ponytail after the links are installed. We then section out rows of hair and further take small sections of hair to attach the links. Following installation, all of the hair is blow-dried, straightened and styled in case of straight styles. For curly styles, we do not blow dry or flat iron.
The entire service takes approximately 4 hours including styling.
Our micro links installation service is available in the salon, at Bloom Hair Atelier. The hair is sold separately from the installation.
When you are ready to get your microlinks installed..
To book an appointment for microlinks installation in Lagos, you call contact us at Bloom Hair Atelier on 0913-444-5179, visit our website to book at or visit our salon located at 15 Glover Road, Ikoyi.